I'm a witness, so I need to know...can we pray for someone that isn't a JW
Isn't that the core problem of Jehovah's Witnesses? Almost all of them need rules and regulations for everthing in life, for every fart they let rip.
- Can I accept this job?
- Can I use a tablet during a meeting?
- Can sisters wear nice pants in field service?
- Can brothers grow beards?
- Can brothers leave their tie or jacket at home?
- Can I pray for non-JW/ex-JW/stray dogs?
- Can I accept this medical treatment?
Almost all JW can't think about these things for themselves.
The ones that do (and maybe deviate from the common accepted standard), will be looked down upon as spiritual weak.
I realize that this situation has been created by JW leaders, who have inserted themselves into every aspect of JW's lives and decisions. Only when they have no clue, or fear legal repercussions they allow individuals to use their own brain and conscience.
Reminds me of....what were those religious leaders in the Gospels called again?